Harrisonville Missouri Ministerial Alliance
Shepherd's Staff Food Pantry
(816) 844-0078
The HMA provides food assistance through the Shepherd’s Staff Food Pantry, located at 1311 Sanders Street in Harrisonville. Its mission is to serve the people of Cass Country to meet their supplemental food needs. The pantry also serves as a mobile distribution site for the Harvesters Community Food Network.
Clients need to provide proof of residency in Cass County, Missouri, and live in one of these zip codes: 64701, 64734, 64746, 64725, 64739, 64743, and 64078.
A current document with the client name and address from one of the following sources is required to verify the address: a personal or real estate property tax receipt, voter registration card, utility bill, recent benefit award letter from the government (Social Security, SSI, Disability) or a rental/lease agreement.
"Need to Know" Information
All products are available in limited quantities and provided to Cass County residents at no cost to clients.
We will serve one food provision per household. If another person or family lives at the same address, there will only be one basket distributed.
We will be able to serve a maximum of two clients per vehicle if both clients in the vehicle have a last name corresponding with the letters of the alphabet being served that week.
We ask that clients have space in their vehicle clean and clear in order that the food may be quickly and easily loaded. We have the right to refuse to serve a vehicle that doesn’t have adequate room for the food.
All people need to remain in the vehicle once the vehicle enters the food pantry parking lot.
In the event of inclement weather, the food pantry will post on its Facebook page.
Distribution Schedule
Food pantry service hours are from 2:00 to 5:30 pm on Fridays (the pantry is closed whenever there is a fifth Friday in a month).
Distribution is done by the first letter of the LAST name of the client. Clients are served two weeks in a row to assure they benefit from the food resources sent to us by Harvesters.
A through I Clients
First and Second Fridays of the Month
J through Z Clients
Third and Fourth Fridays of the Month
Fifth Friday of the Month
If your zip code is not 64701, 64734, 64746, 64725, 64739, 64743,or 64078, you may come during the first and third weeks of the month for the Harvesters food distribution.
Check our Facebook page for the Shepherd’s Staff Food Pantry to see if there have been any changes to our distribution schedule.
Donating and Volunteering
Please call us before bringing food to the pantry or to learn more about volunteering at the food pantry. Many individuals and churches support the work of the food pantry in these ways.